Saturday, January 19, 2008

Been Awhile...

Hey all, not dead. Alive and well.

6 max was killing me. Swings were not cool, and swongs (a long swing) were worse.

Anywho I like poker and ummm, I'm gonna keep playing.

I watched a Cardrunners video by Daut the other day and he was 20 tabling. I can do that says I. Soooooooo, I did. I am. I is. I are. Yes, I am.

I started multitabling full ring 25NL last weekend and all of a sudden poker is fun again. So anyways, I am gonna keep plugging away. I love playing a ton of tables and I think I am gonna stick with 18. Its a good number. It is amazingly easy to do on my laptop by cascading the tables. Stars software just brings the table needing attention to the front and as soon as the fold, bet, check, call etc is done, the next table is ready. I likes.

So here is my last week playing the unlimited holdem pokers game. Not too bad imo (in my opinion)

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