Saturday, December 06, 2008

Omahahahaha and some Morning Poker

Last night after work I felt about as useful as tits on a bull but I took a nap and some cold medicine pills something or other and started to feel better. My wife went out at about 8 with some friends so I thought I should play some. That being said I had no urge to grind out some holdem as multitabling requires a clear head, something that I didnt have. So I hopped on some 6max 25-50cent pot limit omaha tables. I played about 4-5 hours and ended up making about $175. I was up about $250 but lost a little at the end. I like playing omaha as its full of action but the software availible for omaha is lacking so I never know how much Im making. I know Im a winner at $50 and $100 tables, but how much Im not sure. Kind of annoying.

This morning I started feeling much better and my wife was a little worse for wear so I hopped on and played some holdem. 16 tabling 100NL. I played for a little under 3 hours and made $260. I am really hoping to hop back on tonight as I think I could have a pretty solid day.

The wife and I are heading downtown for some Christmas shopping soon (3rd last Saturday before Christmas in Glasgow. It'll be a mad house. God I hate crowds of people while shopping.) but afterwards I think we are gonna come home and chill.

Heres to hoping

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