Saturday, January 13, 2007

What is Going on?

Last night I played a bunch of SnG's; 19 to be precise. I basically broke even.
Today I have played some more; 25 to be precise. I basically broke even.

I dont know what is going on. The games I was destroying are suddenly very difficult for me to win. I dont understand it. I know that I am getting more bad beats then usual, but it is more than that. I cannot count the number of bubbles the last two days.


Whatever, enough talking, on to the numbers. Oh, and I am combining the two days as I tallied them together rather than separate.

SnG's played 44 (134 to date)

1sts - 7 (31 total)
2nd - 3 (9 total)
3rd - 5 (14 total)

Out of Money - 29 (80 total)

Profit Today - $5.60 ($264.60 to date)

Yes...all that playing for $5.60. Unbelievable.

1 comment:

Swifty said...

Hi there :)

I've spent an enjoyable hour or more today reading your blog. I especially liked the report of the live team event last year. Shame you didn't quite make it after all that work.

Anyway, just wanted to pop in, say hello and keep up the good work :)