Sunday, December 24, 2006

Ireland, Major Problem, Major Thank You, and Update

In Ireland right now having a good time with the future in-laws. Good food and engagement presents will do that. However the trip did not start off as well as I had hoped...not even close.

I left Glasgow yesterday morning with the fiancee, flying over at stupid o'clock (6:30am or something ridiculous). Upon arrival I went back to bed and after a good nap woke up and tried logging on to pokerstars. I then encountered my worst nightmare. I had forgot to log off pokerstars in Glasgow so therefore I could not log in here in Ireland. I had trouble breathing, the walls were closing in, and I was making weird noises. Ok not really, but I was not happy. I thought that for the next two weeks or so, pokerstars was not an option. I immediately emailed pokerstars and explained my problem of epic proportions. I did not expect much but it was worth a try. A little while later (within a half hour) I get an email saying they had manually disconnected me and I could now log on. Just let me say Thank You to pokerstars, seriously folks, you run a tight ship and it is a pleasure playing there. Even without rakeback that some sites offer, it is times like that pokerstars seperates itself from others.

So, I have played a little since I got here. Nothing major but a pretty big swing. I ended up getting stacked in a 100NL game last night. That was fun. I call with QTs in the SB and the flop comes QT2. I raise, he re-raises a good amount, I re-re-raise, he goes all in, I call. What did he have? Well he had AQ of course with the turn and river coming JJ. Which brings me to my next question. If a suckout falls on the screen and I do not curse because my fiancee's ten year old brother is in the room, does it make a sound? I ended up playing today and getting back lost money so all is well in pokerstars land.

Hopefully tomorrow will see me gain ground on $1300 and beyond.

Pokerstars Balance - $1227.65

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