First of all, I must admit that yesterday's pokerstars balance was not correct at $450, rather it was $442. Not a massive difference but I want to keep such information accurate.
So last night I was late at work with parents night, so I came home tired but wanting to play for a little while. I logged on and signed up for the usual 18 man turbo. It filled quickly and we were away. I had little early, folding and watching a rather aggressive table. Then I got AQ suited on the button. With 3 mid position limpers at 15/30 I raised to 250. (yes I know it is a lot but I have found at this level, it is the way to go as I only want the pot heads up or I am content to take it down) One caller. The flop comes QJ4. He checks, I raise 400 he calls. The turn is a 3. He checks I go all in, he calls with A3. Yes, A3. River is not a 3, I am up to 2700 early. (yes I put in his notes he is a fish). A few hands later I get AA folded around to me in the cut off. I raise to 150 wanting one caller. The BB obliges. The flop is Q92. He checks I bet 300, he calls. The turn is a J. He checks, I go all. He calls 900 with T 7. River is a blank and I am up to 4000. (Yes I also put fish in his notes as well). A few hand later in the BB I get QTs. The shortstacked SB makes up the 100 BB, just the two of us. Instead of raising I decide to see a flop. The flop comes AT6. He checks, I bet 100, he goes all in. He wouldn't flat call the BB with an ace right? I call. Yes he would, he has A4. Turn is a T, river is a Q giving me a boat and 1200 more chips. Who says I have no luck right?
Final Table. With eight people left I get TT in mid position. Wth a stack of 6500 and being in second place I raise the 100-200 blinds to 800. A stack of 2300 goes all in. I call and he shows QQ. Board comes K T 8 7 4. Oops. I suck out again. As the game winds down, a fast game becomes a slow one, and for the first time, a turbo gets to 1000-2000 blinds. Heads up I am in the SB with 64. With a stack of 16000, I go all in as by this time it is a crap shoot. He calls with Q3. I flop a 6, no queen hits and I take it down. He berated me in the chat box how I could move with 64. Well, the fact he called with Q3 can hardly be called a good play, and he also sucked out on me with 97 v AQ earlier, so it evens out.
All in all, a great way to get back to winning ways. One game, one first place. Very satisfying. I realise that one good day is not enough to say I am back on track, but I hope it is a start.
Pokerstars Balance - $479.35
PS Going to Ireland this weekend so probably no poker. I may fit a game in hopefully but no guaruntees. I hope to play a few tonight but I am going to see Casino Royale and hopefully some proper poker scenes. (If it is royal flush v quads or full house v straight flush type stuff I will not be happy.)
Here's to Hoping
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